ProFit project: results
ProFit, a European project
With Eindhoven as example we can now find FieldLabs in Delft (Netherlands), Kortrijk (Belgium), Sheffield (UK) and a mini-FieldLab in Newtownabbey near Belfast (Ulster). This is the result of the European project ProFit that was running from 2011 to 2015 and was funded by the European Union, under the Interreg IVB North West Europe program.
Through innovation competitions the ProFit project has also yielded new ideas, prototypes and products. A supportive research program has provided better understanding of the FieldLab concept and scientific rigour to the development and operation of the FieldLabs and the innovative concepts and products. Participating universities have been Sheffield Hallam University, University of Ulster, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology and Howest, University College West Flanders.
International network
For this research and for future research and tests a number of methods have been developed and tools for monitoring and analysis are installed. Within the ProFit project two PhD candidates performed their scientific work.
In the five participating cities cooperation between municipalities, universities and companies created new links or enhanced existing contacts. At the same time a valuable international network for sports, play and movement innovation has been established. Through the ProFit project more students became interested in sports, play and movement innovation and more awareness for these matters by media and a broader audience has been created.
Also in the future the five FieldLabs intend to work together. Besides the exchange of knowledge and experience, this provides the opportunity to do research on larger and international scale. For companies this international platform offers opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and testing on the one hand and for market introduction on the other hand.